
Forthcoming Events

17 February 2023
The BSA ASF hosts Remembering bell hooks; one year on

The Activism in Sociology Forum is also keen to support local meetings, contact the convenors if you would like to collaborate in hosting an event in your area.

Past Events

7 April 2016 - Radical Education Inside and Outside the Neoliberal University, panel discussion at the BSA annual conference, followed by a community fringe meeting

16 April 2015 - Scotland's future and the UK migration debate: How can communities and academics work together to advance social justice? (A public forum co-hosted by GRAMNet* and the Activism in Sociology Forum**.) 

24 April 2014 - Presidential Event with the Activism Forum and the Race and Ethnicity Study Group: Learning from Stuart Hall: Activism Inside and Outside the University, part of the BSA Annual Conference followed by a community fringe meeting

9 November 2013 - Activism in Sociology Forum Inaugural Event Report

* Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (

** Part of the British Sociological Association (Activism in Sociology Forum)