Join the Group
To subscribe to the announcement list of the Families & Relationships Study Group related events, send an email to JISCMAIL with the following information:
- Subject line - leave empty.
- In the body of the message, include your name after the listname:SUBSCRIBE BSA-FAMILIES-AND-RELATIONSHIPS Firstname Surname
- You will receive a welcome message confirming your subscription within one hour. If you don't receive anything check your spam/junk filters. If you have any queries or difficulties joining the list, please contact the convenors below.
- To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail to JISCMAIL, leave the Subject line blank, and in the message body write: UNSUBSCRIBE BSA-FAMILIES-AND-RELATIONSHIPS
The group welcomes new members, including existing members of the BSA, non-BSA members, students, academics and researchers from disciplines other than sociology and international institutions. Membership is free.
You can also follow us on twitter @BSA_FaRGroup