Event Videos

BSA Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2023

What's wrong with patient centred care? - Professor Alison Pilnick's Opening Plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference on Wednesday, 13 September 2023.


Saved by the cell: race, recruitment, and the blood stem cell registry - Dr Ros Williams' Closing Plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference on Friday, 15 September 2023.

BSA Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2022

The politics of the boundaries between chronic illness and disability and the need to situate both in the making and disvaluing of varied embodiments - Professor Janice McLaughlin's opening plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference on Wednesday, 14 September 2022.


From Birth Parents to Backlash: Doing Sociology of Health Amidst Culture Wars - Dr Ruth Pearce's closing plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference on Friday, 16 September 2022.

BSA Medical Sociology Study Group Virtual Conference 2020

'The Entitled and Non-Entitled Bodies of the Pandemic: Research Agendas for Medical Sociology and Disability Studies' - Plenary by Prof Janice McLaughlin at the BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020.




'From “psychic epidemic” to global pandemic: trans health research in 2020' - Plenary by Dr Ruth Pearce at the BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020.


Cost of Living Panel Discussion at BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020 by  Ewen Speed, Simon Cater, Catherine Will, Charlie Davison,Jen Remnant and Chris Yuill.



SHI – Race and Racism in the NHS​ at BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020 by Catherine Pope, Tarek Younis and Andrew Smart.

Science, Society and Policy in the Face of Uncertainty at BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020 by  Jen Remnant, Graham Martin, Robert Dingwall and Esmee Hanna.



Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2018

Lesley Doyal presents their plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2018 on Wednesday, 12 September 2018.



Ellen Annandale, Hannah Bradby and Graham Scambler present the plenary panel at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2018 on Thursday, 13 September 2018.


Jonathan Gabe presents their plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2018 on Friday, 14 September 2018.



Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2017

Paul Higgs, Karen Lowton and James Nazroo give the closing plenary at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2017 on Friday, 16 September 2017.



Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2015

Professor Joanna Latimer's Opening Plenary:  Classifactory Struggles and the Importance of Illuminating Contemporary Biopolitics for the Future of Medical Sociology.



Pecha Kucha sessions from the BSA Medical Sociology Conference 2015.


Professor Sue Ziebland's Closing Plenary: How the Internet is (and is not) Transforming Health and Care.




Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2014

Professor Tiago Moreira's Opening Plenary:  Method and Measurement in Medical Sociology.



Professor Arthur Frank's Closing Plenary: From Sick Role to Narrative Subject: The Sociological Career of Ill People and What's Called 'Experience'


Highlights from the Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2014 




Medical Sociology Study Group Annual Conference 2013

Watch Catherine Pope's plenary presentation from the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2013, 'Society in the Information Age'.



Watch Sarah Cunningham-Burley's plenary presentation, 'What we talk about when we talk about disease' and hear her talk about reconfiguring the disease and the patient in contemporary biomedicine at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2013. Please do not quote without permission.