
What does the Postgraduate Forum Do?

The Postgraduate Forum acts as a network for all postgraduates with an interest in sociology. We represent Masters and PhD students. The PG Forum is administered by Postgraduate convenors who work with the BSA during the year. 

As convenors, we aim to

  • link PG Forum members to the wider BSA community by promoting Study Groups and wider opportunities
  • make PG members aware of the range of BSA networks and support
  • circulate information of interest to other postgraduates via the Postgraduate Forum email distribution list
  • represent the interests of postgraduates in the BSA, including in Council meetings
  • help organise the Postgraduate Workshops/Events at the BSA Annual Conference; 
  • assist with the processing of BSA Support Fund applications by joining the panel of members who grant awards from the Fund;
  • maintain the BSA PG Forum website
  • make contributions to Network, the BSA members newsletter

Convenors are always keen to hear from Forum members. Contact us if you have events you are organising, research to share, have ideas for Postgraduate activities, and articles in Network magazine. The Postgraduate Forum convenors can be contacted via email here and Twitter @BSAPGForum