
Founded in 1951, the British Sociological Association (BSA) is the national subject association for sociologists in the UK and its primary objective is to promote sociology. The BSA is the largest sociological network in the UK and is the public face of sociology in Britain.  

What we do

Membership of the BSA is open to everyone interested in the study of society from a sociological perspective.

We actively promote the study of sociology by running a wide range of events and public lectures across the UK.

The BSA has published leading-edge academic journals for over 40 years which have helped shape the discipline into what it is today.

We operate a network of over 50 study groups and several special interest groups.

The Association represents UK sociology on key bodies both nationally and internationally and works closely with allied organisations to influence policies affecting sociology within the wider social sciences remit.

The BSA provides a network of communication to all who are concerned with the promotion and use of sociology and sociological research.