Network Book Reviews

The editors of Network are interested in carrying reviews of the books listed below in the next edition.

Network invites all BSA members to pick a book from the list. Please contact Tony Trueman for the next deadline for reviews.

Guidelines for book reviewing can be found here. In some cases we can carry reviews of 600 words rather than 550.

To register an interest in reviewing, or for more information, please contact Tony Trueman on 07964 023392. We will then have a copy of the book sent to you.

Please note that it is essential to let us know of your interest before beginning reviewing.


Social Networks and Migration: relocations, relationships and resources
Louise Ryan
Policy Press

Migration as Economic Imperialism: How International Labour Mobility Undermines Economic Development in Poor Countries
Immanuel Ness 

Technosleep: Frontiers, Fictions, Futures.
by Coveney, C., Greaney, M., Hsu, E. L., Meadows, R., & Williams, S. J.
Palgrave Mcmillan

Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives: From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms
David Lane
Policy Press

Pharmacy Miscellany Thoughts on Regulation, Education, Industry and Philosophy
Malcolm E. Brown
Euromed Communications

Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law (An Homage to Reza Banakar)
edited by Håkan Hydén, Roger Cotterrell, David Nelken and Ulrike Schultz

Criminal Justice and The Ideal Defendant in the Making of Remorse and Responsibility
edited by Stewart Field and Cyrus Tata

My Life in Fragments
Zygmunt Bauman, Izabela Wagner (Editor)

The Spirit of Digital Capitalism
Jenny Huberman

The Refugee System A Sociological Approach
Rawan Arar & David Scott FitzGerald

A Child’s Day
Killian Mullan
Policy Press

Sharing Care
Rachel Brooks and Paul Hodkinson
Policy Press

Critical Realism for Health and Illness Research
Priscilla Alderson
Policy Press

The 9th edition of Sociology
Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton

Book Wars
John B. Thompson

Family, Identity and Mixedness: Exploring 'Mixed-Race' Identities in Scotland
Mengxi Pang and Shirley Anne Tate
Emerald Publishing

The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women
Lisa Sugiura
Emerald Publishing

Multiracism: Rethinking Racism in Global Context
Alastair Bonnett

Introducing Forced Migration
Patricia Hynes