BSA Strategy

The trustees met in 2019 to set their strategic priorities for 2020-2022. For transparency, those priorities are included in the full Strategic Priorities 2021–2023 document under the three strategic priority headings (Promoting Sociology, Supporting Sociologists, and Sustaining the British Sociological Association). However, the Covid pandemic interrupted the normal running of the Association and the trustees agreed to re-set their focus and the strategic cycle timeframe by one year. The current strategic cycle is now 2021-2023 and four priorities have been agreed, as follows:

BSA Strategic Focus 2021-2023

1. Members
2. Schools
3. Equity
4. Climate change


  • Supporting members through the changes that they are experiencing, especially the impact and aftermath of the pandemic, e.g. providing more listening and sharing opportunities, and conducting an in-depth survey about membership needs and benefits including the addition of external review of the website e.g. by teachers
  • Creating new resources including videos and carrying out a survey of teachers to find out how we can support them best
  • Implementing the recommendations of the BSA report on race and ethnicity in British Sociology including contracting someone to undertake the groundwork
  • Exploring and implementing new ways of working which will better for the environment

NB. These are the things that have been singled out by the trustees to be given special attention during the strategic cycle. The original priorities below still stand and our regular programme of work will of course continue e.g. publishing, conferences, awards, etc.  Read full Strategic Priorities 2021–2023 document.