Network Magazine

Network is the British Sociological Association's member's magazine, published by BSA Publications Ltd. Members receive three electronic issues a year (Spring, Summer and Autumn).

Regular features include interviews with leading figures in the field, professional news, reports on specialist activities and study groups within the BSA, occupational mobility, postgraduate pages, book reviews, international reports, soapbox pieces and more. It's an informal vehicle for members to openly express their views on issues about the profession, the discipline and the future of their Association.

Network cover image.


Members can view the latest issues of Network online in the Members Area. Non-members can view a sample issue of Network which includes the following:

Download this issue of Network which includes the following:

  • Feature: The BSA has cancelled its three main conferences this year amid the pandemic. 
  • Robert Dingwall, sociologist of law, is given award for his work.
  • Sociology may become more difficult after Brexit, says Dennis Smith.
  • Desert Island Discourse with Abby Day.
  • Extended article: Desert Island Discourse
  • Extended article: Links to sources for the All Around The World feature


Network magazine is a key member benefit and we would like to keep it that way. The British Sociological Association, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work and no part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent from the British Sociological Association. If you have contributed to Network and would like a copy of your work to share, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a PDF.

Access the Network Archive

BSA Members you can access the full archive of Network in the BSA Members Area, instructions below:

  1. Log into your MyBSA account. Your username is in the format Firstname.Surname
  2. Click on the ‘MyBSA’ link at the top right of the screen.
  3. You’ll now see a purple menu on the right side of your screen, click on the ‘Members Area’ option.
  4. In the Members Area you’ll now see a ‘Read Now’ link for Network. At the bottom of the page you’ll also see a link to the full archive.

Contact Us
Network is your magazine and we want to hear from you!  Do you have some interesting news or information?  How about writing a feature article?  Like to interview someone?  Need to get something off your chest?  Moving on or up?  Tell us about it! Click here for guidance on how to submit to Network.

See below for:

Network Editorial Team

Judith Mudd
Tony Trueman
Alison Danforth

Network office contact:

Tony Trueman 
Design and Production Co-ordination
Advertising, inserts, general enquiries