The BSA writes to Queen's University Belfast regarding the review and threatened closure of Sociology Single Honours Undergraduate Programme

We are writing concerning the proposed closure of the Sociology single honours programme within your Faculty; we write as the British Sociological Association (BSA) and the Heads and Professors of Sociology (HaPs) in the UK, with support from the executive of the European and International Sociological Association.  While negotiations are going on, it is not always helpful for bodies like ours to express their view but feel we must do so now.

Since this proposal emerged in the Institutional Size and Shape Review it has not only had a serious negative impact on colleagues in Sociology at Queen’s but also it is casting a shadow on the standing of our discipline. A limited number of metrics across a limited time period have been used to single out Sociology and Anthropology for staff cuts and the phasing out of their single honours degree programmes. The document takes little account of the strengths that exist in Sociology at QUB and is shockingly dismissive of the excellence displayed both currently and over its long history....

Read the full letter.