Call for nominations for membership of the BSA Medical Sociology Study Group Committee

The Medical Sociology Study Group is the largest study group in the BSA. It is run by the MedSoc Committee that is made up of ten members (excluding ex-officio members) consisting of two co-convenors, two ECR members and eight ordinary members elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). All committee members must be fully paid up members of the BSA. All terms of office normally commence and end at the MedSoc annual conference AGM.

The Committee organises the annual conference, encourages and supports the establishment of regional groups, publicises its activities through relevant and appropriate channels of communication, and undertakes other activities to promote medical sociology in the UK and internationally. Committee members take on different roles including conference programme organisation, media and communications, prizes and awards and many more.

In line with the constitution, we are now calling for nominations for new members of the Committee to take up their appointment after the 2018 conference AGM.  We have vacancies for 2 ordinary members and 1 ECR representative. Ordinary members stand for 3 years and PGR/ECR members for 1 year, both renewable for a second period, if so agreed by the majority of the MedSoc Committee.

Please note- we are currently a predominantly white, female –dominated committee with many relatively early career academics and researchers and we are therefore seeking to diversify. Please do consider applying if you can help us to achieve a more diverse committee.

If interested, please send a 300-400 word ‘mini biog’ including your name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), BSA membership number and reasons for wanting to join the committee and what you would bring to it. Please send to Claire Simmons. The closing date for nominations is Friday, 24 August 2018.  No extensions to this can be granted.

Once we have all nominations in, voting will open on Tuesday, 28 August. This will be for BSA members only and will be both online and at the conference, with voting closing 1 hour before the AGM.

We look forward to receiving your nomination.

Sasha Scambler and Flis Henwood
BSA MedSoc Convenors