01/11/2017 06:00:00
England was ‘divided along educational lines’ at Brexit vote, research says
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11/10/2017 08:00:00
‘Working class children are damaged by the English education system,’ says Cambridge professor
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20/08/2017 00:36:59
Promotion to higher management makes women less satisfied with their jobs
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04/04/2017 00:13:42
Rise of foodie culture leaves working class behind, research says
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04/04/2017 00:01:24
People are less likely to attend religious services regularly if their income rises, research shows
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04/04/2017 00:00:01
People who want to prevent immigration to the UK are less happy than those who welcome it
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04/04/2017 10:22:47
£30 million UK government programme to improve Nigeria’s police force failed because of corruption
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05/04/2017 00:00:01
Rape victims lose out on compensation because of convictions for minor offences such as TV licence non-payment
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05/04/2017 00:02:00
Most couples remain happy with their sex lives into their 60s, research says
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05/04/2017 09:41:33
Privately educated women four times more likely to marry a man who was privately educated
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06/04/2017 00:01:00
Football agents are jeopardising players’ careers by going behind their backs, research says
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05/04/2017 09:37:04
Books about self-injury and an African-Caribbean football club win prestigious sociology prize
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12/03/2017 08:00:00