23/01/2019 12:11:54
Chronic stress levels 40% higher in full-time working women with children, but flexible work reduces stress
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24/04/2019 09:53:03
Soccer stars ridiculed by team-mates if they are not wearing the right designer gear, says research
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24/04/2019 09:59:47
Societies where people fail to exceed their parents’ social and economic status have a higher death rate, research shows
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25/04/2019 10:06:44
Households where the woman is the sole earner are significantly poorer, says research
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25/04/2019 10:09:52
Working class ‘always less likely to get into acting and film making’, says new research
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24/04/2019 10:13:36
Professor Alan Warde given prestigious Distinguished Service to British Sociology award
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26/04/2019 10:18:34
Almost all players signed to Premier League clubs from academies leave top-flight football within five years
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26/04/2019 10:24:08
Women put off using the weights sections of gyms by “intimidatory atmosphere” among men, says research
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25/04/2019 10:26:50
Older job applicants up to three times less likely to be selected for interview than younger ones, study finds
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26/04/2019 10:30:32
Book about Black mixed-race men’s lives wins prestigious sociology book award
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25/04/2019 10:49:13
Research demonstrates strong link between Thatcher era job losses and an increase in crime
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01/07/2019 15:29:03