Sociologists' Tales

Contemporary Narratives on Sociological Thought and Practice
The BSA is proud to support this reflective celebration of our discipline and our Early Career Forum who will be the future sociology in Britain.
What is sociology? Why is it important? Sociologists’ Tales is the first book to offer a unique window into the thoughts and experiences of key UK sociologists from different generations, many internationally recognised, asking what sociology means to them. It reveals the changing context of sociology and how this has shaped their practice. Providing a valuable insight into why sociology is so fascinating, it gives advice to those wanting to study or develop a career in sociology reflecting on why the contributors chose their career, how they have managed to do it and what advice they would offer the next generation. This unique volume provides an understanding of sociology and its importance, and will have wide appeal among students, young sociologists thinking about their future and professional sociologists alike.
During their time as Convenors of the BSA’s Early Career Forum, Editors Katherine Twamley, Mark Doidge and Andrea Scott gathered sociologists' thoughts on why they chose their career paths, how they stayed on those paths and the advice they would offer the next generation of sociological minds. The book aims to provide an understanding of the discipline as a challenging yet intensely rewarding one and to demonstrate its importance for the future. With contributions from established sociologists like Beverley Skeggs and Zygmunt Bauman and also scholars in the process of establishing themselves, this book makes for a fascinating read about the variety of journeys into sociology.
The book is published by the BSA and Policy Press and was launched at the BSA Annual Conference 2015. It is available from Policy Press in hardback, paperback and ebook formats.
Foreword ~ Judith Mudd
Introduction ~ Mark Doidge, Katherine Twamley and Andrea Scott
Part 1 What can sociology do?
The sociologist as voyeur ~ Liza Schuster
Why sociology? ~ Mark Featherstone;
Sociology as a science/technology of freedom ~ Zygmunt Bauman
Why sociology matters ~ Anthony Giddens
Passion, curiosity and integrity ~ Beverley Skeggs
Sociology as democratic knowledge ~ John Holmwood
Pushing at the boundaries of the discipline: politics, personal life and the psychosocial ~ Sasha Roseneil in conversation with Katherine Twamley
Growing up as a sociologist in rural Shropshire ~ John D Brewer
On the right-of-way ~ Judith Burnett
Living sociology ~ Les Back in conversation with Katherine Twamley
Part 2 What does it mean to be a sociologist?
Sociology for some, someone’s sociology ~ Yvette Taylor
Imagining social science ~ Ann Oakley
From accidental to ambitious sociology ~ Linsey McGoey
Sociographer by design? Boundary crossings and interdisciplinarity ~ Yvonne Robinson
I am a sociologist, but what exactly is a sociologist and how do you become one? ~ Claire Maxwell
Sociology: from committing to being? ~ Paul Hodkinson
Drift, opportunity, and commitment: the shaping of a professional career ~ John Scott
A passion for empirical sociology ~ Eileen Green
Me, myself and sociology ~ Gayle Letherby
Turning to the psychosocial: drawing on sociology to address societal issues ~ Ann Phoenix
Part 3 How does one become a sociologist?
A long haul ~ Berry Mayall
Putting sociology to work in the NHS ~ Jocelyn Cornwell in conversation with Mark Doidge
Clinging to the precipice: travails of a contract researcher in sociology ~ Mel Bartley
The pursuit of a sociological career overseas and the navigation of an outsider perspective ~ Lara Killick
Tales from the field: applied policy research and the sociological imagination ~ Carol McNaughton Nicholls
What sociology means to me: exploring, imagining and challenging ~ Kate Woodthorpe
Social science which engages with the real world ~ Anthony Heath in conversation with Andrea Scott
A sporting chance? Notes on an ongoing career in the sociology of sport ~ Richard Giulianotti
Sociology: involvement and detachment ~ Robert Mears
A career spent orbiting sociology ~ Eric Harrison
Researching children’s lives: on becoming and being a sociologist in education ~ Daniela Sime
Following my star ~ Jeffrey Weeks in conversation with Andrea Scott
‘The epoch of belief … the epoch of incredulity’ ~ Howard Wollman