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From Shattered Ceilings to a Broken Democracy: the Post-Racial Condition of Trump's America
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Microsoft Document
Conference Programme
Transcript of the plenary by Kimberle Crenshaw at the BSA Annual Conference 2018.
In recent years, American democracy has produced two highly improbable presidencies. Both have, in their own way, been framed as reflecting the essence of the American project. The breakthrough achievement of Barack Obama was celebrated as the realization of US exceptionalism with its deep commitment to egalitarianism, while the ascendancy of Trump has been framed as the reemergence of the country's primitive foundations in white supremacy. Many on both sides of the political spectrum have sought to paint the rise of Trumpism as a result of an undue focus on identity politics, often presented in opposition to white working class concerns, in effect blaming those who are already the most marginalized for their continued oppression. Professor Crenshaw will counter this narrative through an intersectional lens, exploring erasures and forgotten histories within American law and political culture that contributed to the condition of Trump’s possibility.
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From Shattered Ceilings to a Broken Democracy: the Post-Racial Condition of Trump's America
kimberle crenshaw, plenary, 2018, transcript, democracy, post-racial, trump, intersectionality
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